Saturday, February 13, 2010

Predators are Free

Just wondering what the government both local and federal are doing to crack down on the freaks of society. You know who I'm talking about. You know, the pervert down the block. The four-eyed pencil neck geek who likes little boys. How about the fat smelly unemployed porn addict that likes stalking little girls. Its amazing that the freaks who get caught have a registry that their on(some even have electronic devices on their legs) and they still find a way to harm and sexual molest a child. Just ask Ms. Dugard and her two kids how shes doing.

So what is "Big Brother" doing about it? Well all you need to do is watch shows like Nancy Grace and the like to see that there is hardly anything being done to control these freaks. The sad part is those that do get caught and sent to prison for x amount of years do get out of jail sooner rather than later. Furthermore, there is a 97% recidivism rate with these freaks. Which means that phedophiles CAN NOT BE HELPED.

This is why we need to castrate these predatory pigs so that they can not sexual attack another child. To bad if it sounds to harsh or inhumane. Nobody is saying anything about that little girl or boy who has been violated and altered for life. Who is protecting the little kids of the world from these predatory monsters? The cops? Don't kid yourself. They want you and I to believe that but the truth of the matter is the law wants crime to continue. Because without crime they would be out of a job now wouldn't they.

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