Thursday, January 28, 2010

Unfair advantage

As I'm watching the news this past weekend one issue of mine came to mind. I am all for equal rights for all people. However, I have a problem with every time I turn around a minority is being hired or placed in a position of employment that they are not worthy of having.

I've also noticed there is a lot of discrimination against white men. Especially those white men over the age of 50. Why is that? Why would corporate America turn its back on the gender (and race) that built this county and most businesses. Just to hire a woman or other minority.

I know that I'm not the only one that is aware of this unfair advantage permeating throughout all ranks of employers. Do you really think a woman is going to do a better job as a "fireman" or "cop" (as examples) more so than a man? If you believe that crap I want to know what your smoking.

What the country needs is a organization that helps just men. We have been the sole providers, protectors, and top money earners for decades. However, in today's society we men are now a treated like second rated citizens as illegal aliens infiltrate our borders. Wake up America before you find out your new boss is from Mexico or India and wants your job dissolved.

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